Morty was devastated, so one night he approached the elders. “Why is my mom so sick? She’s always been healthy before.”
“She has an unknown sickness,” they told him. “I’m sorry, but there is nothing we can do.”
However, one elder named Leera pulled Morty aside.
“I know of something you can do, young Morty,” she whispered in his ear. “It’s slightly dangerous, but it’ll be worth it.”
Morty leaned in closer to hear what Leera had to say.
“Later, when everyone is asleep, you must travel to the Wardaf plains. There is a herd of elephants there that possess a special herb that will cure your mother.”
“But why would they give the herbs to me?” Morty asked.
Leera smiled. “Talk to the herd leader, and I’m sure he will help you.”
Morty was slightly confused, but he knew he must get the herbs to save his mother. A few hours later when the whole herd was silent, Morty hugged his sleeping mother good-bye and began his journey.
The Wardaf plains were near the Kalachi plains, but it was a hot, tiresome trip. Morty had to look hard to find food and water. Finally, after two long days, he reached the Wardaf plains. He saw some elephants talking amongst each other.
“Excuse me, where can I find your herd leader?” he asked meekly.
All heads turned and looked at him, and Morty felt very small and helpless.
One elephant spoke up. “I’m the herd leader. What brings you to our lands?”
“I…I’m here from the Kalachi plains,” Morty stammered. “One of our elders sent me here to get herbs for my mom because she’s sick. Please help me.”
The leader looked closely at Morty. “You say you come from the Kalachi plains. What is your mother’s name?”
The leader smiled. “Come take a walk with me, Morty.”
Morty was amazed. “How do you know my name?”
“It’s a long story. Come, and I’ll tell you,” the leader replied.
The two of them walked far away from the other elephants before he spoke.
“My name is Faulkner, and I am your father,” he said slowly.
“You’re my father? But how?” Morty inquired
Faulkner cleared his throat before continuing. “Back when my father was still herd leader, I went on a tour of the neighboring plains. Seeing as I was next in line for leader, I wanted to become acquainted with other herds. When I came to your herd, I instantly fell in love with Sheila, and she with me. However, it is against the law of elephant to have a relationship outside of ones herd, so we kept everything a secret. But when Sheila became pregnant, we knew we could no longer hide the truth.
My father ordered me to return home, and Sheila was kicked out of her herd. She came to me one night for help. We went into hiding until your birth, at which we named you Morty. Only a few days later, I found out that my father had died, and I knew I had to take up the position as herd leader. I made the hardest decision of my life and left you and your mother for my herd. To make sure you two would be safe, I contacted your herd leader to see if he would let you back in. He would not allow it, but an elder named Leera finally convinced him.”
Morty was overjoyed. “I can’t believe I have a father!” But wait, do you have the herbs I need for my mother? I don’t know how much longer she has.”
“Yes, I do. And while I’m unable to leave my herd, I encourage you and Sheila to visit me as often as you’d like,” said Faulkner.
“Thank you so much. Of course we’ll come see you.”
Faulkner got the herbs for Morty and fastened them securely to his back. They said good-bye to each other and Morty set off for home. The two-day journey seemed much shorter this time, and when Morty got home he gave the herbs to his mother. Within no time she was better, and Morty told her of how he met his father. The two of them lived happily ever after.
This is a very captivating story that held my interest throughout the plot. Also, I thought the name Faulkner was very creative.
There, that was my 'intelectual' comment.
It's MORTY!!!
Where's the drawing to accompany the story? =)
I liked this story because it was very interesting. Also, it was a cute story and it made me happy.
This story was very to the point. I liked the way you used transition from paragraph to paragraph it reminded me of one of my favorite authors. Your story made me think of a movie where the main character leaves his dad to try and get him the medicine he needs to survive and along the way finds his twin brother who he has never met before. I discovered in your story that good deeds lead you to receive something in return which in this case was the fact that Marty had a dad. The only thing you could slighlty approve on, I believe, is your setting description and your character development. But besides those minor things your story was very intriguing and well put together
Very good story. I really liked your plot and how he was so destined to help his mom get better. I was interested the whole times. You have a talent of writing and I think you should pursue it in the future.
I think using Morty as the main character was awesome because he was a character you had previously made up. I loved the way there was an underlying plot to it; how there were secrets about Morty's family he finds out while on his quest to cure his ill mother.
wow that was pretty weid lol
i think i forgot that they're only elephants; i'm not commenting a teen soap opera ;)
Your story was great! The way you made it seem as if the elephants were so human-like was wonderful. You used good pesonification. It was a classic animal story with a Rachelistic twist. The story was simple, yet effective. It reminded me of the movie 'Bambi' when Bambi finds out his father is the prince of the forest, as Morty finds out that his father is the herd leader. I love stories that put animals in human situations, and you did this effectively.
Great Story Rachel! I thought your characters were very well thought out and creative. You personified them and made it seem real. Your story flowed nicely and it was enjoyable to read. I like how you made Morty really dedicated to his mother, enough that he would go on this journey to help her.
This was a very nice story, and I enjoyed that you used an elephant as a character, somewhat different and unique.
The characterization worked very well with the story, and made Morty stand out.
I don't know if you were trying to get at this, but using an elephant, a creature viewed as somewhat powerful and gentle, was beneficial in my mind seeing as Morty came across to me as a rather innocent creature, with the two factors working in mix.
The ending was also very good, it wrapped it neatly and nicely.
Nice job.
I thought your story was excellent! I found it very interesting to read since Morty and his mother were characters you had previously created. It put a twist on the Morty story we already love (that he had a father)Great details and describtions!
I agree with connie, you need the pictures!!!
This is really reeled me in at the beginning with the mother becoming sick. I think it was a great way to start the story. The most captivating part of the story was when Morty went to the other herd and found out he had a father it was a great idea for a story.
This is almost like if Romeo and Juliet were elephants, and they had a child.
Cute, creative, fun, and original. I enjoyed the elephant dialogue.
I take it this story is a continuation of an origial series. Your classmates seemed enthused about Morty, and for good reason.
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