Ernest Hemingway has created a noble and determined character, Santiago, in the novella, The Old Man and the Sea. This determined character faced many struggles while out in the sea including catching a marlin, battling off sharks, and fighting his sanity and old age.
It had been eighty-four days since Santiago had last caught a fish. Despite that, he set sail in hopes of having a great catch. Once Santiago had been in the murky waters for some time, he got a bite and hooked a giant sixteen-foot marlin on his line. Mind you, the skiff that he was fishing in was only fourteen feet long. He thought that the battle had almost concluded, but you will soon find out how very wrong he was. “‘Fish,’ he said, ‘I love you and respect you very much. But I will kill you dead before this day ends’” (54). For four days Santiago battled with the marlin, yet he still cared for it because he knew that the marlin was a living creature.
Once Santiago finally caught the marlin, the sharks caught a drift and were at Santiago’s skiff momentarily. Even though there were many more sharks than Santiago, he kept his hopes up. “‘But man is not made for defeat,’ he said. ‘A man can be destroyed, but not defeated’” (103). Perseverance is the main point in this portion of the reading because without it, Santiago would never have been able to find the strength to fight off some of the sharks and last as long as he did.
Old age was also a key part in this novella. If Santiago had been younger, he probably wouldn’t have had as much of a struggle with the marlin and the sharks as he did. Also, if Santiago had had more food and water with him, he wouldn’t have been so fatigued at the time of the attack. “You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who” (92). This quote is saying that even though Santiago was in desperate need of a catch, he respected the great marlin and even referred to him as ‘brother’ throughout the novella. “‘I am a tired old man. But I have killed this fish which is my brother and now I must do the slave work’” (95). Even Santiago knew that he was an old man, but he didn’t let that ‘minor fact’ in his eye deter him.
In conclusion, The Old Man and the Sea is a fantastic novella that teaches the reader many surface things, but also many deeper things like life lessons. I give a lot of credit to Santiago for what he did and more importantly, the way he did it. In today’s society and the way we live, I can’t name anyone that would be able to catch a marlin that was bigger than the skiff they were in. I don’t know anybody that has that kind of patience and perseverance to keep going. Nor do I know a person that could battle off sharks while fighting for their life and sanity.
I thought your essay was very good. “This determined character faced many struggles while out in the sea including catching a marlin, battling off sharks, and fighting his sanity and old age”. I think that was your thesis, but I think that you could have added a little more detail into it. Other then that it was a good way to start your essay. The quote in your essay that really stood out to me was the one where Santiago was telling the fish it was killing him. That really showed that he had issues with him old age. One thing you did very well in this essay is how in your conclusion you chose to put your own input on how you thought that Santiago was a strong person, and your opinion on him. Again the only advice I have for you is making your thesis stand out a little more. Other then that I really liked your essay. Good job!
I thought that your essay was very good. I liked how you kinda turned the essay in to a story. I can see that the thesis is the obstacles that Santiago had to face throughout the book. “‘I am a tired old man. But I have killed this fish which is my brother and now I must do the slave work’” (95). I think that this quote is the strongest one in your essay. It shows what Santiago thinks of the fish and how he thinks of him than more than a fish. The writing style of this essay is very good. It kinda sounds like you were writing a story rather than an essay and I really like that. You used very rich language throughout your essay that drew the reader in. My advice for you next time for when your writing and essay is to make a catchier open paragraph so that the reader is drawn into your essay a little more. Other than that I thought that your essay was really good. Good Job!
Wow great essay! your thesis was clearly stated. You connected the quotes to the story good and it flowed nicely. Your conclusion was well written. The only thing i would recommend is too add more detail next time. I wouldn't change anything else, though. Your essay was really good! Great Job!!!!!
I think your essay was really strong. Your essay was more like a story to me. It drifted really well. Your thesis was clear and well thought out.
Your quotes connected to your essay very well. you hd detail to back up whatever you were tryign to stand out iny our paragraphs. My favortie quote was,"I am a tired old man. But I have killed this fish which is my brother and now I must do the slave work." This was my favorite because it shows that the old man feels bad for killing the fish and it shows that he is a caring person. i dont have any advice for you. i enjoyed reading your essay! Great job!
your story is sooooo good. i could tell what your thesis was right away, and i though it was really well said.
my favorite quote that you used was all of them. you made all of them flow really good with the rest of the story.
something i loved was how everything flowed. some other stories i read i got a little lost at, at least one point, but with yours it was clear.
one piece of advice i would say is to just add a little bit of detail. other than that.....Great Job!
I always love reading your essays because you’re such a good writer. I think that you had one of the clearest thesis statements I have read. I felt that your first paragraph was strongest, and your supporting quote fit the best. It really showed how he prepared, and that proved to be a clear choice. I liked basically the whole thing, no suggestions.
Maddie, i thought your essay was very well written. the thesis statement was very clear and i had no trouble finding it. it was short,sweet, and to the pioint. "This determined character faced many struggles while out in the sea including catching a marlin, battling off sharks, and fighting his sanity and old age." i think my favorite quote was the one where sanitago is talking about the fish and how he now has to do the slave work. “‘I am a tired old man. But I have killed this fish which is my brother and now I must do the slave work’” (95). one thing i would say to improve on would be your vocabulary. other than that you did a great job!
Great essay maddie. "This determined character faced many struggles while out at sea including catching a marlin, battling off sharks, and fighting his sanity and old age" is a great thesis. It is clear and to the point. “‘I am a tired old man. But I have killed this fish which is my brother and now I must do the slave work’” This is a great quote because it supports the paragraph, and it paints a good image. this essay flows nicely. Its not hard to read, and you don't have to go back and read anything.I have no advice. this essay was great, and doesn't need to be changed.
Hello Maddie!
I thought your essya was very well thought out, and you certainly knew what you were talking about! Your thesis statement that Santiago faced many troubles while out at sea, and your very right.your thesis was engageing and kept me wanting to read more.
“‘Fish,’ he said, ‘I love you and respect you very much. But I will kill you dead before this day ends’” (54). I think that this is your strongest quote. I liked it because it fit so well into what you were talking about. When you put this quote in, it flowed wiht the sentence before it and after.
In your essay, you do a lot of things really well! But the part of your essay that I thought was the best was when you talked about how one of the old man's struggeles was his age. "Old age was also a key part in this novella. If Santiago had been younger, he probably wouldn’t have had as much of a struggle with the marlin and the sharks as he did."
This part of your essay really flows well.
I don't really have any future advice!! You wrote your essay with conviction and good word choice! Great job Maddie!
I really enjoyed reading your essay. Unlike other essys, it didn't bore me to death. I think that it was so good because it didn't just talk about what happened in the book it really told Santiago's story. One thing that you could change is the thesis statment. I think that you could have made it a lot stronger than it was. Great Job!
Maddie!! This essay was so good!
I think your thesis was really clear and engaging. "This determined character faced many struggles while out in the sea including catching a marlin, battling off sharks, and fighting his sanity and old age."
Your first example was your strongest. You used a lot of detail and had a lot to back you up.
I think word choice was your strongest point in this essay. "Ernest Hemingway has created a noble and determined character, Santiago, in the novella, The Old Man and the Sea." I thought this sounded really good.
i dont really have any advice for improvement, i thought it was amazing!!
I think of your essay to be great.Your thesis could of had a little more detail. The quote in your essay that really stood out to me was the one where Santiago was telling the fish it was killing him. That really showed that he had issues with him old age. One thing you did very well in this essay is how in your conclusion you chose to put your own input on how you thought that Santiago was a strong person, and your opinion on him. Again the only advice I have for you is making your thesis stand out a little more. Other then that I really liked your essay. Good job girl!
The thesis is his struggles.
Santiago goes through many different things and I think the best detailed paragraph and quotes is the one about the repsect he has for the fish. "Fish, I love you".
This shows the detail about his passon for the fish. Not anyone says this about a fish
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