Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Life by Jeff M.

Summer rain cleanses

Utopia of season

Bask in the essence


Anonymous said...

Great job Jeff. This is a very good haiku with very descriptive terms. I think you successfully painted a picture in my head while reading this poem. Your careful word selection aided in creating the description you wanted. My favorite words were "utopia" and "essence." These words helped get your point accross without distraction. Good job Jeff.

Anonymous said...

I actually liked this poem. It made me think of summer rain, and how it can be so much different from the freezing, icky fall rain, or the cold pouring spring rain. I think your choice of words really made the poem; because there weren't a lot of words, I like how every word counted. I'm looking foreward to summer now, after reading your poem.

Anonymous said...

THis poem was very creative and related to nature very closely. You followed the rules of a Haiku very intently in this pome but you definately made yuor own points. Your creative vocabulary creates a clear image in the reader's head of how life is one big cycle going around. This poem is a great example of good imagery. After reading this poem I felt relaxed and at home because that is how the words made me feel. This poem is like nothing I have ever read before. It felt nicereading something different and maybe that was why I enjoyed the poem so much. Etiher way, a great poem Jeff.

Anonymous said...

Jeff this is a good example of making alot out of a little. Usually a haiku struggles to pack in details but in this poem you successfully were able to paint a picture in my head and create imagery. I was able to see a summer day. It felt like paradise and you would never want to forget it. I thought of August nights at sunset. You are just enjoying like and taking in everything.