Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ode to Master Chief by Kyle L.

To one so swift and brave,
You’ve fought ‘till you met the grave.
Everything is but a blur,
While others watch in amazement at what you can endure.

The mighty covenant falls under your grasp,
While the HAVOK is sealed with a clasp.
You can’t help but smile,
When you think to yourself, “this was so worth while!”

You are honored for the courageous things you do,
As every Marine wishes to be you.
Well, now I guess you must be partin’
Because you, are a Spartan.


Anonymous said...

sweet poem kyle. i liked the way you depicted master chief. the speaker is the president. i can hear him giving master chief an award. the mood is happy because they just fought off an army.

Anonymous said...

Great job! The words are about someone coming back from war and they are being praised for what they did. The intended audience I think is people who have gone through the same situation. The speaker is high ranked and has high authority. The theme is about someone coming back from war. I thought you did a good job. Fantastic!