Friday, October 12, 2007

I Want What is Priceless by Krista S.

When you look back at your life, many thoughts come to mind. Like, am I living an enjoyable life? Am I living my dreams? Are the possessions that I always wanted in my reach now? And some people the question arises, do I have enough “things” to satisfy me? But for myself the golden question is, what did I value most all my life? I may question what things are worth value and what things are priceless. And sometimes its hard to know value when everyone around you puts earthly items before what is of true value? Still who can truly defy what is “priceless”, ultimate value in a world of greed?

There are many objects that I hold dear, that have an exact dollar amount. One of my favorite items is my Baby Phat purse. I adore Kimmora Lee Simmons line of perfumes, clothes, and especially handbags. One of the purses that I have out of her collection is a big black leather tote. It is a pink flora color inside, it is adorned with jewels and gold. And as always has the signature Baby Phat cat on the front and as a charm on the zipper. It is most likely worth over $100 dollars, now that it has been used. I walk around in the mall with it proud and happy. Maybe even a little bit content with myself. Compliments start to fly, and that’s okay with me. My Baby Phat purse I value as a money item. Something I can put a price on.

Moments pass by every now and then that stick with us. Maybe a funny joke, a scary second, or proudest moment. Sometimes there are moments that happen every day that we can appreciate. Everyday there’s a moment that I come to that brings me joy. I love to write in my journal. I have many journals that I have written in over the years. I started writing poetry and songs when I was a young child, it was my favorite thing to do. I write mostly poetry and song lyrics. These times when I can sit down and write down any problem or worry I feel ecstatic! It’s my personal thoughts put down on paper that are overflowing out of my heart. There is no such feeling as this very one. This is most certainly a “priceless” moment, I would rather sit down and write in my journals than do most anything. I think it is a good way to speak my mind. I’m constantly buying new journals to write in. I’m always happy to finish a journal. This is something I value that you can’t put a price on.

Weighing the value and priceless, it’s a hard task to do. Many people think valuables are more important than the valueless. Meaning valueless as and item or moment that you hold dear, basically something that you can’t put a price on. Comparing my Baby Phat purse and my writing journal together I don’t think is very possible. My purse, I love. My journal, I love. Yes, my purse is an object, an accessory and my journal is an object still, but there is something different about the values of both. My purse is an ordinary purse, I guess, and if it were in a building that was being burnt down, I could replace it. My journal is my thoughts, my inspiration to write more, and maybe someday an income for me. I can’t ever replace that.

Now after comparing the two items, weighing the values is not that much of a challenge anymore. In honesty, I value my journal way more that my designer purse. My “Book of Me” as I have titled all of my journals. I hope that my poetry and songs can reach someone or help someone. Maybe give inspiration to others who want to write. I can look back at my writing and grow from it. My purse only offers an accessory to match outfits with. My journal offers so much more than that.

So the question comes back, what is valuable? How is value truly determined? In conclusion, value is anything you can’t put a price on. When your life’s over you can’t have your possessions and they don’t matter any more. You won’t need them, but the item or moment that is memorable and personal is valuable. This is how I determine value, my way of thinking. Value is determined by how much you love, “value “ that item or moment. What I value is every second I’m alive, every day I get to experience, even if it will be a bad day. I value my family, my pets, I value my values, morals, and my faith. I value past time spent with my deceased Grandmother and Great-Grandmother. And in this case I value my journal, and the wonderful time I get to write in it. What is of value, you may ask? Only you can define that in your own life.


Anonymous said...

Krista S,
Great opening! It definitely described the topic well. Jeeze, you love your purse. Don’t marry it, please. I don’t think you put enough information about it in your essay compared to your poetry. I’m glad you put poetry in your essay and why you write it.

You had very good vocabulary in your essay. The ending paragraphs were better than mine, I have to say.. Woohoo! I had to read your essay. Read mine in 9C. Bye!

Anonymous said...

I really liked your essay. You did a nice job with your two topics, I can tell why you would rather have your journal than have your designer purse. I think it's great that you write in a journal, and I loved the tittle "The book of me". It must be really cool to go back and see what you have written in the past. You did a nice job of comparing the two in the end, to me, that was one of your strenghts.
It made me think that that when your old, looking at things you have written in the past are going to be much more valuable, than looking at your old designer purse. If there were any suggestions to make, I would say that you could add in like scenes where you have used your purse or your journal. I thought this essay was great, and really made you think about what really is more important. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Very nice structure of the Essay, very nice, couldn't of done better. alot of questions in the beggining thought. It gives me alot to think about. very descriptive and very infomative. I think journals are a great way to express yourself and let youself flow. I think you did a good essay, but, as what i think a purse is apurse, i call it what ever color it is. very nice essay.

Anonymous said...

I really liked your essay. You picked two really good topics to write about. Your vocab in this essay is amazing. I liked how you said you would rather have your journal then your Baby Phat purse. You asked the reader so many questions in the opening statement that you would not want to stop reading the essay. My favorite part of your essay was when you said who can truly defy waht is "PRICELESS"?. I thought that, that line was really the hook of your paper. In the future, you should try to connect your two topics together more. Good Job!

Anonymous said...

I liked your opening paragraph. You were descriptive when talking about your journal and purse. I liked how you mentioned a real life situation, such as a fire, would to occur you would choose your journal over your purse. I thought your essay was well written, but I wished you would have compared and contrasted the two items more. Overall, well done!