One of my most memorable times took place in July of 2006.
The sun was shining. The humidity was so unbearable; we didn’t know how much more we could take. I stepped out onto the freshly cut field to set up in the net. I tap the post with my shaft and get into my ready position. My coach is now riffling lacrosse balls at me until the referees call for the game to begin momentarily. I’m at the
Everyone steps out onto the field after exchanging high fives and good lucks. My heart is pounding in my throat and I’m positive that my teammates are going through the same feeling. I was not about to let a whole summer spent practicing in the extreme heat let me down now.
The ball is placed between the two sticks at the midfield. Knees bent. Eyes up. Sticks ready. And then, the whistle is sounded. This is our cue to forget about everything else and focus on lacrosse for an hour.
A game of ping-pong is played with the ball going from us to them and then back again. Goals are scored by each team.
It’s a game of rapid fire for the goalies and I did my best to shut them out and for the most part, I do. Blocks are made left and right with the occasional ball slipping through to make the dreadful swoosh sound behind me. This is by far the most intense and well played game I’ve seen my team have all summer.
At the end of the first half, the Yellow Jackets are up by 4. Our coaches are encouraging and believe that we can do this. I’m very happy with my play as well as the rest of my team.
Gradually, our team came back so we were only down by 1 goal. A forward goes in to shoot and then, GOAL. Everyone is screaming and jumping for joy. It finally looks like w can pull this off. Now, the other coach is complaining to the ref saying that the goal didn’t count because we were off sides when we clearly were not. The ref listened to the other team and the goal didn’t count. Then because of the complaints from our team,
Unfortunately the game ended there and we did not qualify for playoffs. After the game, everyone was congratulating everyone on how well we played and I was happy to receive as many compliments as I did from my team, the other team, and spectators. Even though we lost, we played our hearts out and it was by far the best game of my life.
In addition to priceless moments, there are some objects that I own that I value. One of the best examples is my iPod.
As I trot down the sidewalk, ponytail bobbing and the constant tapping of my never stopping feet, I can hear the beat of my running playlist moving through my head. After the tedious amount of miles, I’m finally satisfied and I can now rest. I switch my playlist to “mellow” to calm me down a little bit. I use my iPod for instances such as this and so many more. When I’m in a good mood, I listen to my iPod to keep me staying up beat. When I’m in a tired mood, I listen to my iPod to relax me. When I’m angry, I listen to my iPod to distract me. I could go on with examples.
Music can impact your mood so much, it’s unbelievable and having an iPod just makes it easier to access. I love being in control of what I’m listening to and people can’t tell me to change the song or turn it down because I’m the only one who can hear it. I can take it with me anywhere because it is so small, it’s not a hassle.
My iPod happens to be lime green since that’s my favorite color. I have somewhere around 600 songs. The middle button sticks sometimes because I use it so much. I’ve gone through about three sets of headphones and I’m sure there will be more to add to the collection.
As you can see, these two things are very different but that’s part of the reason why I value them both so much. That lacrosse game gave me complete self-satisfaction while remaining un-cocky because we lost. It felt good to be noticed for my play. On the other hand, my iPod always puts me in a great mood and distracts me from boredom.
Value all depends on who you are. For me, I find the moments I spend with the people I love doing what I enjoy most are the most valuable thing in the world. I think sometimes society gets caught up in who has the latest designer hand bag instead of concentrating on the important things in life because soon they’ll be gone. I know what’s valuable to me but what do you value?
This essay was beautifully written. You used great examples for both parts of the essay. You diction fit well with the thingsd you were writing about. I liked how you transitioned from one section to another within the essay. you might want to use stronger adjectives in your next essay. Why do you enjoy lax so much? I can relate to your attraction with your iPod. Good job!
Lindsay, nice job. this was fantastically written. it flowed well and was very discriptive. i liked how you explained the lacrosse game. i also liked how you described how you felt after the lacrosse game. if i were to suggest one thing to fix, i would say to describe why you like lacrosse so much, not just the game. i think that would make your essay that much better. the way you described how you used your ipod was well written. you showed, you didn't tell. overall, NICE JOBBB!
Great essay Lindsay, I really enjoyed both topics that you chose to write about. You did a great job by going into a lot of detail on both subjects. I like how you began the essay with a quote, and how you compared and contrasted both the priceless moments and the materialistic items. You did a great job wrapping up your essay. The use of vocabulary really gave me a feel for what you were talking about. Nice job.
First off I would like to say how I loved the way you opened your essay with a quote. I think this was very original. It's clear to me that you value experiences and "priceless moments" over material things. I like how you give the reader a nice visual in your paragraphs about the lacrosse tournament. It's like you can feel the intensity of the game with your descriptions. I really like how you described your Ipod and said exactly how it worked.I particularly like your last paragraph. It made me think about my values. Overall I love your style of writing and I couldn't find any errors. The only thing I would have suggested was to sum up why you value you lacrosse a little but more. Excellent Job Lindsay!
Your essay was very well written and I liked it a lot. You showed that you value both lacrosse games and your ipod. I can relate to that because I value those two things also. Your introduction was extremely strong and made me want to keep reading. I liked how you opened up your essay with a quote. That was really creative. I also enjoyed your lacrosse paragraphs. They were so detailed that I felt as if I was right there with you the entire time. An overall strength in your essay was description and length. You described everything in great detail and "showed" rather than "told" which added length. Your essay was amazing and I don’t have any advice. You should be proud of this piece of writing. Good Job:]
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