Million dollar weddings and expensive cars blur our minds everyday diverting us from what really matters. What’s more important, living the good, luxurious expensive life of celebrities, or having a couple minutes to your self to read a book, take a hot shower in the morning, or just sleeping in on the week end. Personal time, or all the money in the world is nice, but I don’t know which is better? Who’s to decide?
I hit the button, and the fan starts roaring on my dell desktop. The monitor buzzes as the electronics come to life. The light on the monitor turns green, and the screen lights up, and goes to the black loading screen. Moments later the screen turns blue, and the computer has come to life. I click on my login name, and enter my password. I wait for my desktop to load, and I’m off. I use my computer for a lot of things. I do my weekly homework on it, making it neater, and helping my grade. Keeping up with friends these days are hard, but I make it easier by talking to them with AOL Instant Messenger and looking at their face books, to know what the latest news is. I also use my desktop to play games, watch movies, all for personal entertainment. Instead of going down to the library, I can just go on to the Internet, go to Google, and look for the information I need. When I’m bored I just click the Internet icon go to a gaming website, and I have a whole website of fun right in front of me. When I’m bored, there’s always something for me to do.
The alarm clock buzzes at 5:30 a.m., and I slap the snooze button. 10 minutes later it goes off again, and I slowly get out from under my down throw micro fiber comforter. I look for my glasses, and slowly put them on my face. I get some clothes, and go upstairs. I walk into the bathroom and the cold floor freezes my feet, I turn on the lights, and then the fan. The fan starts spinning and I turn the shower knob and hear the frigid water splash against the bottom of the tub. I wait for the water to warm up, and I slip into the shower. The hot water wakes me up, and recharges me for the day. It feels so nice to wake up in my cool basement, and then walk up stairs and get in the shower. For the first couple minutes I just let the water spill down my back, and I feel relaxed. This is the start of my day everyday of the year except for weekends, and vacation days.
What’s more important, a computer worth a thousand dollars, or ten minutes of relaxation and peace to myself in the morning? How can one decide what is more valuable? I love my computer, and I am on it most of the day, but I love taking hot showers early in the morning. I can get pleasure fro both of them, and I get something useful out of each of them. On the other hand, the computer costs a lot more money, and uses a lot more power. The computer allows me to have fun, and get work done, and the shower relaxes me, and wakes me up early in the morning.
So what is more valuable? I don’t know what to choose. I guess I like them about the same, but the 10-minute shower, I think I value more. I define value as being worth something, and both items are of value, but I would take the shower one more. I don’t really know how to decide. Do you know how too? It’s hard to tell what is worth more with all the advertisements of high tech toys, activities, and products that supposedly make life easier. But who wants to deal with all the hassle, and who has the money for some of these items seen regularly on TV. The world is monopolized by money, but in the end, and good old shower can get me through.
Hey Corey,
I thought your essay was well written. You included a lot of description and detail in it. I think your strongest point was all the details you included and it made it more interesting. The only thing I can give you advice for is just to maybe use a little bit different word choice, possibly? Other than that it was very good.
Corey -
I thought your essay was well written. There was a lot of detail and frequent use of adjectives. It was pretty interesting. I really didn't find anything that you could improve on. So it was a very good essay. It was long, which I liked as well.
Corkey! Your essay was great. It was so desicriptive and had a lot of detail. I think we share pretty much the same idea about computers. I'm with lindsey and alex, i didn't really find any mistakes. Keep up the good work=)
Congratulations on your essay! I absolutely loved your introductory paragraph and I think it is one of the many strengths of your essay. You did a great job introducing your thoughts, ideas, and values to the reader. I also liked how, in your conclusion, you left it up to the reader to decide which is more valuable- personal time to relax or the fast, exciting computer. In my opinion, your paragraph about your priceless moment is the best described. You used great vocabulary and described exactly how that moment made you feel. I don’t have any advice to give you because I think you did very well.
You did a great job. You explained everything very well. I never got lost once. I thought you had a very good ending. You just wrapped everything up nicely. I could definitly tell that you love your priceless moment more then your financial item even if you couldn't really give a final answer. Once again it was great. I could think of nothing for you to fix.
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