Value is to have relative worth, merit, or importance. Value is monetary or material worth, as in commerce or trade. Throughout our society, people value many different things. For example, a favorite movie may be valuable to you or a memorable time you watched a movie. Or maybe a person values a musical artist or a picture of a memorable experience. People have many different likes or dislikes that all differ from one other. But how does someone determine what has value? What does value really mean?
Sitting quietly, looking forward, everything else is drowned out. Thirty minutes till game time. No one seems to be talking; no one seems to be moving. Music surrounds me on every side. Twenty minutes, we’re at the field. Rhythms and beats are the only things heard. The sounds pump me up and prepare me for the game. Ten minutes, my mood is being lifted from each second that the sound is played. Never having to hear a song I don’t like. Game time and I’m ready to play.
Two hours left. The family sits in the car while nothing but trees seem to glide by for miles and miles. Chattering, soft music, and laughter fill the air. But after a while, the car begins to settle down. Whether I listen to it while reading or skimming a magazine, my music replaces the silence. The boredom of the radio is gone. The sound of my favorite music fills my ears. Listening to the radio is irritating. Half the time it plays commercials, and even when there’s a song playing there’s a good chance that you won’t like to listen to it. But why have to deal with this when you could listen to every one of your favorite songs? Why bother using the radio when mom makes you listen to a station that she likes and having to die of boredom? Listening to my Ipod changes everything, the long car ride now seems to fly by. The boring mood is quickly replaced and new vibes fill my head.
It’s been a bad day. Angry, sad, irritated, depressed, my Ipod fixes everything. Whether I had a bad game or just want to relax, I can listen to my music and get away from anything that’s happening. Instead of having just one type of music like a station on the radio, I have a variety of music. From rap to hip hop, country to rock, my Ipod has it all. After listening to my music I feel energetic and happy. My Ipod is something that’s always there for me to have. I can listen to it whenever I want, wherever I want.
Book in hand, Ipod blaring, we wait for the boat to depart. The car ride is over and we are about to depart on our way to Long Island. The big, shaking vessel was beginning to turn its engines and prepare for departure. When the fog is absent, the Long Island lighthouse is in clear view and the low strip of land, lying on top of the island is visible. While sitting on the top deck, my sisters at my side, the shaking of the boat increases. We talk about our plans for the weekend when a huge, long horn is released from the boat.
We finally depart from Connecticut. Long Island here we come. After two shorter boat rides to cut through Shelter Island, we finally reach Bridge Hampton. The old house creaks as we enter and we rediscover the familiar smell of the house. The house contains pictures and books dated back to the early 1990’s. The old antiques are funny looking when blended with the new modern day equipment. After unpacking quickly and getting into comfortable clothes, the family meets downstairs. On cold nights such as this, a large fire is stirring and the whole room is filled with its light. From Hearts to Rummy, the family eats and talks while everyone plays cards. After a few hands, Dad and Mom retreat to bed, and my sisters and I stay up. From Mean Girls to Scooby Doo, we watch our favorite movies. After a few movies, our eyes begin to droop and we retire to our rooms. While softly listening to my Ipod, I slowly drift off to sleep. The near by ocean waves crash against the solid land and acts as a lullaby, while we slip into a solid sleep. I can only imagine what exciting adventures we will experience throughout the next few days.
My trips to Long Island can be relaxing, commodious, and compelling all in one day. Without these trips, I believe a part of my childhood would be missing. My family’s best memories are while taking these short trips and I don’t think we’d be the same without them. With a salty ocean breeze and a cozy fire, I can’t think of something I would enjoy better. My Ipod provides serenity and comfort. It’s an item I value for the fun of listening to music. To have my favorite tunes with me wherever I go will always provide a positive effect on my experience. My Ipod always provides every type of music I enjoy.
My Ipod and my trips to Long Island may be two completely different things, but I value them for the same reason. My Ipod is my favorite electronic possession to use. It raises my spirits and pumps me up for a game and makes me all around happy. It makes even the most boring situations lively. On my trips to Long Island, I know I will never have a dull moment. With my family around me and being at my favorite place, puts me in a happy mood. Having both of these items makes me relax and unwind. Long Island and my Ipod make me happy and that is the most important reason on why these things are so valuable to me.
You essay was very deep and descriptive, it was very good. It's clear how much you value your music and your vacationing. Both of your descriptions were extremely good, it was like you were telling a story and I was right there, listening and seeing to every part. Each and every part and vivid and easy to follow and understand.
I'd have to say when you we're describing your vacations was your strong point. Also your introduction was nice, as it sucked me into reading more about your values. I really didn't see anything that has to be adjusted or edited, everything seems to be perfect, usually i found that people were "telling" more than "showing" but i didn't notice any of that, great job.
Your essay was very well written. I can tell that you wouldn't want to live without vacationing, or your ipod. Both are important to you. I liked how you used two scenes to describe your ipod, it shows how you use it in different situations, if it was relaxing you, or getting you pumped up. Your strength was how well you described your scenes, I could see everything you talked about. The only thing I don't think there are any changes to make this essay better. Maybe you could describe what your ipod looks like. I liked your essay a lot, and really enjoyed reading it.
I loved your essay! It was very well-written. You described value so well. I could tell how much your Ipod and trips to Long Island meant to you. When you were describing the vacation, i could see you there, having fun.
I think your strength was definately in word choice. Overall, it was a great essay!
Martha, i loved you esssay. it was written so well and was very discriptive. it's very obvious why you value your vacation house and your ipod. the way you described your vacation house made me want to go there for a week. i've been to block island before and know why you like it there. i feel that the way you described your vacation house was better than the way you described your ipod. that's the one thing i would change if i had to. i think you should be proud of having written this essay. EXCELLAENT WORK!@!
Martha H
Your essay is really good and I was drwn in right from the beginning with that opening paragraph. I noticed that in your essay you always talked as if you were currently doing the action which is missing from a lot other essays. I felt that the strongest point of your essay was the paragraph about your vacation. It was very descriptive. I felt the whole essay was organized and you used good vocabulary throughout the essay. Nice job Martha H.
The essay seams very well written and as far as I can see there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.
I liked the opening paragraph beginning with the definition of value, then going on and ending with further questions on it.
The supporting paragraphs are interesting and keep my attention. However the first supporting paragraph seams a little extranneous and confusing. At first, I thought you were talking about how sports have value, but only after reading the next couple paragraphs do i realize that this paragraph was just an example of a situation were an ipod comes in handy.
The advanced vocabulary, varying sentence structure, and compelling descriptions, however at times some words and phrases are used noticeably often in the same paragraph.
I liked the ending paragraph and how it sums up the rest of the essay, but it doesnt seem to complement the opening paragraph by answering the questions about value raised early on. All, in all, it was a good read.
You did great on your value essay. I liked you beginning and closing statement. The opening statement caught my attention, and the closing statement rapped up your story great. You did well on elaborating on different situations where you listned to your ipod. You gave great examples and it kept me reading. Your trip to Long Island also sounds fun. You did a good job on describing how much you love going there. You did fantastic on you value essay.
I thought your essay was very good! You did an outstanding job on making sure you were descriptive while describing your iPod and the trips to Long Island.
I noticed that you decided to end your essay without actually stating which you liked more. I believe this adds emphesis to the fact that you value both these memories and electronic the same. It is hard for you to choose one over the other.
I also noticed that you had multiple paragraphs about your iPod. I think these were your most descriptive parts of your essay. Your strenth throughout the essay is your wide vocabulary. You were able to expand your word choice which helped when it came to describing the valuable object and memories you have.
In the future I recomend you go back and re-read your essay. Double check that you dont have any confusing parts of your essay. You did an amazing job on this essay!
Dear Martha H,
Right from the opening paragraph you made me think deeper about value and what it really means. I think your essay shows that you have some what of an emotional attachment to the things you value, and you wouldn't want to live without them.You are also great at describing things in vivid details.Especially the paragraphs about your Ipod.
In your paragraphs about Long Island, you really draw the reader in and make them feel like they are right there experiencing things with you. This made me want to go to Long Island. I absolutely loved the description in your writing, and I thought you did an exquisite job. The only advice I can think of for your future writing is possibly describing the appearance of your Ipod. Your essay was awesome Martha, Terrific Job!
I thought your essay was great. I really liked your opening paragraph with the definition of value. You made it very clear how much you enjoy your music and when you like to listen to it. Also your choice of words was very good. I didnt even know what you were saying half the time.
I thought your description on your vacation was very good. It made me think of any vacation I've gone on and all the things i love about it. I didn't notice any mistakes. I thought you did a great job and I enjoyed reading your essay.
I really think that your essay was one of the best ones I’ve read yet. It is very well-written and deep. While reading your essay, it is very clear that you can’t decide whether you like your ipod or family vacationing more. They both are very important to you. Both the description of your ipod and going on vacations were very descriptive and deep. I liked how you didn’t specifically say I like this and that, you morphed the two objects as a whole. You described how you were bored in the car ride, and then listened to your ipod. I thought that was very unique.
I personally thought your whole essay was rather amazing. I thought your writing style and the way your whole story connected back to itself was very thought out well. Next time I think you should put more of your natural language into your piece so that you can relate to your essay. NICE JOB MARTH!!! (:
I really liked how you gave all those examples of when you listen to your ipod. Your essay made you sound very sophisticated because you used very intellagant words. You were very discriptive throughout the entire piece and your writing was consistant. You could tell that you value your vacation more because you got more descriptive so maybe one thing to make your essay even better would be to balance it out just a little. other than that, don't change a thing! great job!
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